Pyramid Construction

| Pyramid Constructions According to David, the key to achieving that literally exemplary result was forming a partnership relationship with the client, and communicating with them from beginning to end. “We worked very closely with the client throughout the project,” he says. “CIT has a projectmanager of capital works, and she was involved from the design stage and throughout construction as the client representative. She kept us informed of the client’s requirements, such as the 6-Star Green Star rating, so we could deliver the project exceeding all expectations.” As a place for students to learn about building, trade, and computer design, the client requested that the building itself be a teaching tool through example. Pyramid complied by utilising “peel-back design,” leaving many of the common areas without ceilings so that the structural elements and services running through the building could be observed. As a result, faculty could show students around the building and point out particular green features in action, both as examples and for theoretical studies.