Pyramid Construction

| Pyramid Constructions a very good working relationship.” On all their projects, Pyramid strives to maintain strong relationships with their subcontractors as well, and the Green Skills Building was no exception. According to David, the hard work and dedication of the tradespeople on the project was pivotal to achieving the amazing outcome. “We had a really good team of subcontractors on this job,” he says. “There were a lot of challenges for them, but they all rallied together and put in their best effort. It was very pleasing to see some trades that we’ve worked with before and some new ones as well that were able to all come together and achieve the end result.” Pyramid Constructions (WA) was awarded the contract for the Green Skills Building back in 2012, and they started construction later that year. According to David, the project’s unique nature meant it was full of challenges from the very beginning. He says Pyramid met and overcame each one, creating a green building unlike anything seen before. “Maintaining the workflow and sequencing was a bit different than conventional builds in this project,” he explains. “There was some lag and design issues in implementation, and those delays in turn affected our offsite work on steel and concrete materials. The exposed surfaces and types of ceiling stages were very difficult to finish.” As an example, David cites how the sequencing on the building floor required precast floor slabs, followed by a constructive topping, insulation, and a final topping after that. Similar multilayered processes were required for other surfaces in the walls and ceiling. This meant extra caution was needed for pouring concrete in rooms that already had finished wall shadings and were closed up, when in more typical projects the DEVOTED TO DETAILS