QMAX Pumping System

| Q-Max Pumping Systems

Q-Max Pumping Systems | Complete solution providers

| Q-Max Pumping Systems

Q-Max Pumping Systems | Q-Max Pumping Systems is an expert provider of pump solutions that cater to the unique and individual needs of clients throughout New South Wales and Queensland. With 40 years of experience, a comprehensive product line and a highly skilled team of professionals, Q-Max is able to offer customised solutions for wastewater, hydraulic, mechanical, stormwater, sewage and water booster pump stations. Dan Pridham’s father started the company in 1975 as a small business providing pumps and pumping equipment to the mechanical service market. Over the years, QMax has evolved into a complete solution provider capable of supplying practically any pump system pertaining to building development in the civil wastewater treatment market. They are also able to administer the corresponding services and repairs for those products and systems. “We try to add value to our systems by offering to customise them to the needs of the customer, whether it be by adding filtration, extra controls or other system add-ons that will overall produce a more valuable product

| Q-Max Pumping Systems

Q-Max Pumping Systems | to our customers,” Dan says. “We like providing what’s commonly known as turnkey systems. From in-to-out, we handle everything in between.” Today, Q-Max boasts a large operation facility that stocks an enormous supply of parts which is also used for the assembly, testing and storage of smaller pump systems. The facility is home to a team of mobile technicians who offer a variety of services, including constructing larger pump systems onsite and providing service and repairs for customers in Canberra and its surrounding regions. “There’s a very large number of offices for the size of the city, so there’s a lot of air conditioning, heating, cooling water, stormwater and wastewater pumps in these buildings and we offer service and repairs to all those systems,” Dan explains. “A lot of them have their own maintenance contractor who looks after the general lines to the building, but when it comes to pumps, they view QMax as a specialist pump provider and service agent.” “They come to us for advice on replacements, upgrades, refurbishments and rebuilds, so we have guys constantly doing site visits to ascertain what needs to be done in that regard,” he continues. “We have many

| Q-Max Pumping Systems

Q-Max Pumping Systems | buildings on our service schedule that we go to and service on a routine basis to keep these pump systems in full operating order. This gives our customers peace of mind that they won’t have any adverse failures that will cause damage to their building or simply cause inconvenience.” Although Q-Max offers a diverse range of products and services, their primary focus is providing systems for sewer pump stations in municipal markets that will end up being owned and operated by regional councils in New South Wales or Queensland. As complete solution providers, they specialise in customising a solution to address the specific likes and dislikes of these parties to make the system easier to maintain and operate for the end user. “Whether it be installing washing systems inside the wet wells, installing different sorts of level controls, different sorts of valves and flow meters, level sensors, different control systems that operate pumps at different duties at different times of the day, basically any CUSTOMISED SOLUTIONS

| Q-Max Pumping Systems possible thing you can think of on a pump system that would be nice on a wish list − we try and turn that into a reality for our customers,” Dan says. “At the end of the day, they get a system that does exactly what they want and how they want it while also being safer to maintain.” “For our sewer pump stations, our whole footprint is more compact than many other systems on the market,” he adds. “We’ve got many options when it comes to pumps and controls, some of them we build completely in a reinforced concrete portable building so it can go to site as a completely assembled unit. We also offer things like interval valve changes in our pump stations that avoid the valves being mounted in a confined space so it makes them safer to maintain and easier to service.” Q-Max’s ability to customise these systems has helped make them one of the most versatile pump solution providers in Australia. According to Dan, there may be a lot pump suppliers in the market selling a vast array of products from all over the world, but those products don’t necessarily guar-

Q-Max Pumping Systems | tee that the client will be receiving exactly what they’re looking for. “The pump market is a very broad and expansive market, so what we tell our customers is, ‘You bring your need to us and we’ll provide you with a solution.’ We don’t lock ourselves into any specific product, we give them the one that provides them with the most efficient and effective way to handle their pumping inquiry, and we build it to their requirements. Through customisation, we are adaptable to the needs of the market and the needs of different clients. Being able to customise is our main standout feature.” This high degree of adaptability has generated a great deal of repeat and referral business for the company. Having delivered quality outcomes for several regional councils over the years, Q-Max has developed a strong reputation within the community that has effectively eliminated the need for additional advertising. “If you keep a council happy and give them exactly what they want, they’re very quick to tell their peers and those they work with about it,” indicates Dan. “We have a lot of

| Q-Max Pumping Systems A GREAT FUTURE very happy customers in the market who like our systems, like the way we work, like the way our systems are very easy and adaptable, like that we’re very flexible in our approach and like our ability to meet their needs.” In order to continue providing the best possible pump solutions for their customers, Q-Max keeps up-to-date with the latest advances in their field. For example, they recently became a distributor for a cutting edge product that prevents sewage spills by acting as an early-warning alarming device which has been well-received by the regional councils. They are also a major distributor of SPEL products, which are “advantageous to the environment” because they remove pollutants out of stormwater systems. “SPEL products are leading the way in stormwater treatment and stormwater management systems, so we’re proud to be part of that team and offering those solutions to our customers,” says Dan. “These are proven devices that help developments meet the new legislations on their stormwater discharge quality from car parks and other large building development areas, so these are the sort of things that we can customise to suit the client’s needs.” Moving forward, Dan says the company isn’t focused on growing to become the “number one biggest guys on the market,” but is instead focused on continuing to provide high-quality customised pumping solutions for clients in New South Wales and Queensland. “As long as there are people on the earth, they’ll need to have drinking water available, their wastewater will need to be handled and the stormwater and other waterways will need to be properly cared for, so we feel there’s a great future in providing these solutions,” he concludes. “While our exact offerings may change in time, the actual focus of our business – providing customised pump solutions – will stay the same.”

Q-Max Pumping Systems |