Quattro Homes

6 | Quattro Homes the beginning. “Having tried and true relationships with our subcontractor and supplier base is fundamentally important to building a strong performing team on-site,” Michael says. “We consider trade relations one of the most important aspects of our business, and that keeps the quality of our projects high.” “Perth is a small community in many ways,” he adds. “There may be almost two million people, but your reputation spreads – people hear about you. We’ve been successful because we’ve earned a strong reputation among both clients and subcontractors.” INDUSTRY RECOGNISED Quattro strives to make every single project an award-winner – an effort which has not gone unnoticed. Since 2008, more than a dozen of the company’s jobs have been recognised with awards from the HIA or MBA. “We value that a lot,” says Michael of the industry recognition. “We’re always looking for an