Right Homes

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Right Homes | 3 Right Homes are a residential builder – they design and build all types of homes for their clients, from single storey homes, double storey, and townhouses to villas, units, and investor developments. They are dedicated to the construction of only the finest structures and areindustryrecognized for their specialization in sustainable homes,along with their commitment to customer service. “We pride ourselves on the fact that we provide a very personalized service to our clients, spending time and effort before entering into a building contract with them,” says Anna Wright, one of the company’s two Directors.“We design each home individually and to a budget, ensuring the client receives what they expect for the money they spend.” “We are also actively involved throughout the whole building process,” she continues,“making sure each building experience is one that they will remember. Each home is treated as a special project and given the attention it deserves.”

4 | Right Homes EVER IMPROVING Right Homes was established in 2006, after husband and wife team Gary and Anna Wright decided to take their passion for building to the next step. Before that point, the couple had earned ample industry experience operating their own successful carpentry business. It was the strong business relationships they formed in that business, combined with Gary’s 22 years of industry knowledge that propelled Right Homes to quick and consistent success. In the years since, Right Homes has evolved into a leader in the local market, and has built a display office to help clients with their selections, and prove what Right Homes was capable of “Our display office,” Anna says, “is filled with many products on show and is definitely providing our clients with a better understanding of what is and isn’t available. It also gives them the opportunity to actually see our products and how they operate.The whole project itself was a renovation that was completed in six months, which can give you an idea of the timescale we can work with.” Anna is excited ecstatic about creating more displays in the future. “We definitely want to start plans for the construction of another successful display home. We want to show the full range of

Right Homes | 5 options available to residential customers, so that they understand all the possibilities of the home they’re about to commission.” COMMITTED RELATIONSHIPS The partnerships Right Homes have formed over time are extremely important to theirbusiness, according to Anna. In the past,they have teamed up with manydifferent builders and large organisations – one example istheir partnership with Think Brick to promote sustainable building using readily available products native to Perth. “Our suppliers have also been given the challenge to be more sustainable in their manufacturing,” says Anna,“as well as in the products that they are providing to other builders. When these companies show their commitment to sustainable practices or are happy to work towards a common goal, this ensures each project is not only guaranteed to be of the utmost quality, but will also be sustainable to operate in the future for all of our clients.” “We are all so very passionate in our office about providing a good product,”she concludes, “and working together as one, big, happy team. We need to lead by example and not be afraid to research green options that, although sometimes

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Right Homes | 7 difficult,remain possible solutions. This makes us grow not only as people but as an office that strives for absolute excellence in service.” ABSOLUTE GREEN RECOGNITION All current staff members at Right Homes have undertaken studies that have certified them asGreenSmart Professionals. The company has also implemented numerous strategies in the work place: minimising waste, recycle wherever possible, implement various insulation types installed throughout, LED lighting, PV Solar system installation, all of which are to reduce energy consumption. “With all of our homes,” says Anna,“we have a specific order to reduce power consumption. We start by concentrating on the solar passive design element of the home, then we look at insulation, thermal mass and ventilation. With these four elements in place, each home is usually most of the way there when it comes to a home that will be comfortable to live in and not expensive to run.” “We have a proven record,” she continues. “Most of our homes end up with an energy rating of at least 8 Stars, which is a fantastic result without our clients having to spend too much money to get there. We were the first company to have a BERS rated, 9 Star carbon neutral home in Australia, and that was two years ago. We’ve

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Right Homes | 9 since gone on to win many more awards, both State and National, for other homes that we’ve designed and constructed.” In 2012, Right Homes won both National and State HIA GreenSmart Project Home of the Year, and Gary Wright himself won the HIA WA Greensmart Professional of the Year. Right Homes was also a finalist in five other categories, putting them at the forefront of sustainable living. This year, in 2013, they continued their winning streak with the Master Builders’ Excellence in Energy Efficiency Award – which they have won for the past four years in a row. “These awards are all very special, each in for a different reason,” Gary says.“We value all the awards quite highly because it pits us directly against our peers, and you don’t emerge victorious unless you’re performing at the top level.” “In the last three years since we started entering awards,” he continues,“we’ve proven that we are a leader in the field that we operate in. The industry has recognised that through the awards, andso the awards mean a lot to us.” When asked the about their plans for the future, the Wrights seemed content to continue doing exactly what they have already been doing – continuously improving, and striving to be a leader in their field. “As the demand for green housing increases we will strive to be at the forefront of sustainable living. We are hoping that within five years we will be able to provide even more housing to the clients that are seeking our product, which is a sustainable home.”