Rob Carr Pty Ltd

4 | Rob Carr Pty Ltd FANTASTIC RELATIONSHIPS Over their many years in the industry, Rob Carr has earned a reputation for creating strong and long lasting partnerships with their clients. Angelo credits those positive relationships to the company’s policy of complete transparency and honesty. “We tackle the tough talks with our client, and we don’t shy away from the issues,” he explains. “That said, we’re never contractually aggressive with the client either. We advise the client on what the issues, we’re able to see them through start to end, keep them informed, and that’s the sort of the things that a lot of clients like about us.” “In some areas, like the Gold Coast, we’ve had a flood of work simply because of that approach,” he adds.“We’re able to tackle the difficult jobs, we keep the client informed, and we work with them through all the issues. We do everything we can to maintain a strong relationship. And I think that’s what attracts clients to us – our reliability and honest business practice.” Rob Carr has the same dedication to fostering quality relationships when it comes to their employees.They stand apart from many of their competitors by offering a more hands-on approach that incorporates on-the-job training. This makes their employees versatile, marketable, and far more knowledgeable. “We have a vibrant atmosphere and we’re always active here,” says Angelo. “The feedback from people who have joined us and stayed on, or even left us for whatever reason, has been positive. Some staff members have left saying ‘I’ve