Seacreast Homes

Seacrest Homes | Over the course of their 18-year history, Seacrest Homes has steadily gained traction within Perth’s upper market residential building industry, establishing a brand name that is well-known for delivering high quality, customised outcomes to local homebuyers throughout the region. However, Peter explains that the company is still eager to acquire “a larger percentage of what’s going on out there.” “We’re there, but not quite to the top level yet,” he says. “Seacrest Homes is actually moving towards apartment block building, which is getting stronger in Perth. 2015 is probably going to be the launching pad of that, when a lot of our apartment block building is starting to happen.” Peter sees these apartment block developments as being a key component of the company’s success moving forward, particularly in the “affordable luxury sort of brand of apartments.” Nevertheless, he predicts that the company will also stay true to their roots for the foreseeable future. “I think that within the next five years more apartment buildings will be coming forward to us, and we’re doing a few developments ourselves, so we’re finding that’s where the future is going to lead,” he indicates. “However, I think we’ll still be doing what we’re doing today, and that’s building exclusive homes. That’s where we like it and that’s what we’ll always strive to be doing.” STRIVING TO BE THE BEST