Signature Developments

Signature Developments | 5 for delivering high quality projects that our clients love, and that resell for a high value.” Scott says achieving that level of quality also requires strong partnerships with skilled subcontractors and reliable suppliers. At Signature Developments, he says they definitely have those. He says that many of their tradespeople and suppliers have worked with the company since its inception, or close to it. “We’re a business that has a culture of working together,” he explains. “So we have strong alliances all around – with our clients, our suppliers, and our tradespeople. And we’ve had those relationships for decades. Those relationships give us the confidence that we’ll end up with a good product at the end of the day.” INDUSTRY RECOGNISED Signature Developments’ dedication to excellence has not gone unnoticed by the industry. At the 2012 UDIAAwards for Excellence, for example, the company was rewarded in four separate categories –MediumDensity Housing (up to five storeys); Residential Development (less than 50 lots); Urban Renewal; and Environmental Excellence. “We think that’s very valuable,” Scott says of the industry recognition. “We use that in our branding and our marketing, which means we’re making a promise to future clients. To live up that promise, we’re forced to deliver more projects to the same award-winning quality.” In 2012, the company won the Urban Renewal and Environmental Excellence awards for their Urbane at Brompton project. According to Scott, that project has become a “signature development for the area.” It was developed on