Signature Developments

6 | Signature Developments a formerly contaminated site, and comprises 47 dwellings – a mix of townhouses, single-storey homes, and apartments in a three-storey block. The judges examined it roughly 12 months after completion, and found no defects. The Medium Density Housing award was won by Signature’s Urbane on Leicester project. That project comprises 12 houses in a regenerated area of Kilburn. Scott says those homes are all “excellent examples of our renowned quality, delivered at an affordable price.” In general, Scott credits the company’s consistent award recognition to the attitude they start every project with. “Every time we design a development, we design it as if we’re going to live in it,” he says. “We ask ourselves what the best features available are, and what we would want if we were the customers.” “It’s not about designing a plan quickly that meets all the minimum requirements,” he adds. “It’s about designing something that works really well for the people that live there.” QUALITY ABOVE ALL Moving forward, the goal for Signature Developments is to simply continue producing awardworthy projects for Adelaide and the surrounding areas. Ever since their inception, the company has valued quality above all else – and Scott doesn’t see that changing. “We live and breathe construction, and we’re leaders in design,” he says. “I really like to drive past developments and see that they still stand out – that it still looks great, and that it’s not cracking or falling apart. I want to be proud of everything I do, and I can say that I am– from the smallest project to the largest one.”