Signature Developments

Signature Developments | 9 Your Partners in Property. Finlaysons, providing specialised commercial legal services nationwide. Our property specialists can assist you with advice on: • Developments • Construction • Acquisitions, sales and leasing • Infrastructure delivery and coordination • Planning and environment • Commercial, industrial and residential For more information please call 08 8235 7400 or David Martin Partner Steven Tarca Partner & Practice Head Gavin Cragg Partner Adam Ludlow Partner Currently, Signature Developments is involved in a 150-lot subdivision in Adelaide’s north, and have recently tendered on another project of a similar size. According to Scott, jobs of that scope are “the company’s future.” He also wants to get more involved in multi-purpose developments, which combine commercial and housing units. Scott reiterates, however, that quality will continue to be the company’s overriding concern – because that’s what customers want. “At the end of the day, we’re a customer service based business,” he concludes. “We’re focused on the customer’s outcomes, and not so much on our own. That comes from the culture of the group. We’d love for Signature Developments to be a much larger company in five years’ time, and as long as keep putting the customers first, I think we’ll get there.”