Southern Stairs

Southern Stairs | 5 prices elsewhere, but they end up coming back to us again as they realise we have the quality and service that the builders and clients want.” Southern Stairs’ high level of quality and service has earned the company many word-ofmouth referrals and recommendations, Rob says. “We thrive on recommendation work. A lot of people talk to friends and family and we get quite a lot of people who spread the good word about us.” “It’s all good quality service and that makes people keep coming back,” he adds. “They’re happy to come back to us for a second, and third, and fourth time around. Every time a client changes their house, they come back to us for their stairs.” The company’s repeat business is not only a result of their outstanding product and competitive prices – they also come from the strong relationships they’ve maintained with customers over the years. “We get quite a lot of good feedback from customers,” Rob says. “Some people, when they come to finalise their account, comment on how polite we were and what a good job we did. We try to make sure they’re happy with the whole process.” “If they have a problem, we try our best to solve it right away. We will come up with a better idea and make sure the customer is very happy. We like happy customers. “ Southern Stairs is also flexible, which helps to forge and maintain positive customer relationships. They do their best to accommodate every request that comes their way. “We have a solution for every staircase, with a vast array of designs and ideas that will appeal to every customer.” Rob says.