Southern Stairs

6 | Southern Stairs A HAPPY FAMILY Customers aren’t the only people Southern Stairs fosters strong bonds with. Currently, the company employs upwards of 25 to 30 people, directly and indirectly – all of whom they enjoy positive relationships with. Rob himself visits the factory daily and chats with the employees to see how they’re doing. “They’re all a bunch of happy guys and quite enjoy what they’re doing down there. It’s one big happy family,” he says. As a member of the HIA, Southern Stairs have also made it a priority to take on apprentices on a regular basis. “We’ve really focused on getting tradespeople out there and putting them through the whole process,” Rob says. “Many of our apprentices have now become good quality builders and we now build stairs for them.” Southern Stairs’ commitment to training staff and apprentices netted them an award from the HIA for Host Trainer of the Year in 2010. Rob says it “was great being recognised for our efforts.” “It’s good to employ and mould our future tradesmen,” he adds. Finally, the company also enjoys a positive