Sovereign Building Company

Sovereign Building Company | 11 that makes the brand special. Instead, David says he wants to grow the company’s profile, and become known for being the best at what they do. “We want to create a brand that people want to build with,” he explains. “We want to be known as the brand that delivers a personalised, high quality product at an affordable price.” To achieve that aim, the company recently redeveloped their website, updated all of their signage, and increased their Radio and TV presence. Their spots can be heard on 96FM, or seen on Adobe TV, on programs like Home in WA. Moving forward, David also sees the company diversifying into building small-to-medium apartment buildings – which is a market he sees as primed to take off in Perth. He says that Sovereign Building Company makes an ideal partner for developers in that arena. “The most important thing for those clients is to have a builder that will take control of a project and ensure that it’s designed properly and ready for handover in a reasonable time period,” he says. “Sovereign can do that, all while providing the quality of service they would expect from a smaller builder like us.” To find out more about Sovereign Building Company – and read some of their many customer testimonials – visit