
Strong Hold | ate the company’s “hands-on approach” and ability to consistently meet their site specific requirements. “I’d say about 75 to 80 per cent of our work is repeat business,” says Scott. “They use us repeatedly because of our reliability.” Stronghold Fabrications has also forged strong ties with the Australian Steel Institute (ASI). The company joined ASI nearly three years ago and have since benefitted from that relationship by staying up to date with the latest trends and changes within the industry. Case in point, the company invested in a 12-metre spray booth extraction system shortly after moving into their currentWetherill Park facility. The cutting edge system filters and extracts paint and welding fumes to minimise the environmental impacts associated with steel fabrication. The company has also recently acquired a computerised fully automatic band saw, which allows them to cut and shape their products with pinpoint precision. “In our factory, this particular saw is very important because all of our steel is processed and cut to length through that piece of equipment,” Scott explains. “You just load the steel into it, type into the computer screen what lengths you want and it does the rest.” Moving forward, Stronghold Fabrica-