The City of Newcastle

Newcastle | home due to Newcastle’s “community atmosphere.” “It’s a big city with a small town feel,” he says. “There’s a lot of good community spirit, which is built around a great environment with world-class beaches and rivers.” He says Newcastle also makes a great home for himself and others due to its proximity and access to other major metropolitan centres. The city is only a short trip south of Sydney, for example, and it has an airport that makes regular flights to Melbourne in only an hour and 15 minutes. “The city is well-connected,” Greg says. “You can get here and back relatively easily. If you need to work with people in Sydney, it’s not hard to do. If people from Sydney need to come to you, they can. It’s not seen as a hard trip.” Greg describes his current role as Economic Development Coordinator as being about“facilitating the actions that will get us to where we need to be.” In the last three to five years, he says that role has grown more vital – and those actions have grown more prevalent – as confidence has steadily returned to the city. “There’s now a much higher level of con-