The City of Newcastle

| Newcastle fidence in the future of the city,” he explains. “Back then there was a lot of fence-sitting when it came to decision-making, and there wasn’t a recognised source of funds that would get Newcastle over the line.” In recent years, however, the New South Wales state government has made investing in Newcastle – and the revitalisation of Newcastle – a much higher priority. “The government has shown some confidence in this city, and put some money behind that confidence,” Greg reports. “That has continued to build on itself, and developments that have been stalled for nearly a decade are now happening.” As a result of that confidence, Greg says in five to 10 years’ time, Newcastle will “look like the city it has always had the opportunity to become.” “The CBD of the city will have moved closer to a modern transport interchange, we’ll have a light trail system in the planning stages, we’ll attract cruise ships on a regular basis and we’ll be recognised as the unchallenged regional capital of New SouthWales.”