The City of Newcastle

Newcastle | PLANNING FOR GROWTH Newcastle is a dynamic city of contrasts – it’s a port city bounded by pristine beaches and an active working harbour, it’s in transition between the old and the new, and it features an appealing mixture of the “raw and refined.” Over the city’s intriguing 200-year history, it has evolved from a hub of industrial activity into a cultural, gastronomical and creative epicentre known for its world-class surf, relaxed-pace and friendly locals. In 2011, Lonely Planet markedNewcastle as one the top 10 cities in the world, saying that it might be Australia’s most underrated city. They cited its ideal location, subtropical climate, dining, nightlife, and culture as just a few of the reasons to visit. In the years since, Newcastle has continued to develop, and is only growing more attractive as a destination for tourism and business alike. The shared community vision is for Newcastle to be a “smart, liveable and sustainable city,” and that vision is well on its way to becoming a reality. Newcastle is the second oldest and sev-