The City of Newcastle

Newcastle | enth largest city in Australia. It has the scale of a large city, and is at the centre of a large and growing region as the primary provider of business, health, personal, education and professional services. It is also home to an exciting creative culture, with a vibrant arts scene and an emerging food scene. As a result of all these advantages, Newcastle has developed a growing local, national and international reputation for being a prime destination of leisure, business, sporting and cultural events. To foster growth in all those sectors, Newcastle City Council recently prepared a draft of an Economic Development Strategy, which is currently on public exhibition.Greg Fenwick is the Economic Development Coordinator for the Council, and had a key role in putting that strategy together. “That was all about coming up with a structure that would highlight what Newcastle was about, how it had changed, and where the City of Newcastle Council can value add to economic growth,” Greg explains. As part of devising that strategy, the Council looked at Newcastle’s strengths and weaknesses when it came to population, infrastructure, key industries and employers, visitor economy, development progress, and