The City of Newcastle

Newcastle | more. “After looking at everything we saw as major issues, we came up with initiatives, and then discussed how we were going to get them recognised and funded,” Greg says. By the conclusion of that discussion and workshopping, the Council had settled on five major themes that together provide a road map for the economic development of Newcastle and its City Centre. Those major themes are: Newcastle as the Regional Capital; Facilitating Key Infrastructure; Business Growth and Employment Creation; Innovation and Creativity; and Developing the Visitor Economy. “Those five themes started as 12 themes and got whittled down,” Greg recalls. “We refined them until we could come up with visible strategies and actions that were measurable against those strategies.” “That’s what we really set out to do,” he adds. “We didn’t want a document that would sit on a shelf and be looked at once a year. We wanted an active document that could be reported on at least a quarterly basis, if not a more regular basis. Clarifying