Tonkin Consulting

Tonkin Consulting | 5 “Throughout the history of Tonkin Consulting, we’ve always been very highly regarded for the quality of the deliverables we produce,” he explains. “We never want to lose that, but we want to make sure we’re equally regarded for the service we provide.” “We want the client to have the best possible experience,” adds Sam McCarthy, the company’s Business Development Manager. According to Gerry, providing that experience starts with building trust. Usually, that means being completely honest and transparent. Sometimes, it means giving “fearless advice,” and telling clients what they need to hear versus exactly what they want to hear. “Clients need to know you’re looking out for their interests,” Gerry says. “They need to know you’re saying things for the right reasons. It takes time to develop that trust, and it takes working on the relationship. But we put that time into it.” Clients also gravitate towards Tonkin Consulting because they are locally based. Many of their competitors are huge multinationals, but Tonkin’s head office is in Adelaide, and their whole team is very accessible. “The people our clients are talking to are