Tonkin Consulting

Tonkin Consulting | 7 Both men can speak to that fact personally, as they both joined Tonkin Consulting for those exact reasons. Gerry’s been around for 13 years, Sam since 2005. Each of them have risen through the company’s ranks, and had the opportunity to take on multiple roles before achieving their current positions. “I joined the company because I wanted to get some broad experience as an engineer,” Gerry explains. “I wanted to try different projects, and see different things, and see how different people worked. I didn’t want to be fenced in somewhere.” “I stayed because, over the last 13 years, every time I wanted a new challenge or to try something different, Tonkin has always presented the opportunity,” he says. “Since joining, I felt like I had control over my career and could do the things I want to do. And it’s been a lot of fun.” “We don’t get pigeonholed into any one business unit,” Sam adds. “If we see an opportunity, we’ve always been able to make the most of it. I’m someone who likes to visit other parts of the countries and do in-