Vantage Holdings

8 | Vantage Holdings ing the money, they expect a really high quality job. So we relied on our subcontractors to achieve that quality, and they came through.” EMBRACING CHANGE Vantage Holdings is a company that’s always embraced change. According to Hastings, that quality has driven them to success in the past and will continue to do in the future. “We move with the market,” he says. “Whatever’s working, that’s where we are.” They currently see small-lot residential housing as an emerging market, for example, and have created a new brand to capitalise on it. The brand – which is called Urban Collection by Vantage – sells small-lot homes that are “functional, trendy, and affordable.” The company sees great things in store for that brand, and have already got the display home with that design nominated and shortlisted at the next MBA Awards. Vantage Homes also sees a strong future for their development arm, Hastings adds. They are currently experiencing very strong sales for their Chincilla Estate development, which is located in the eponymous Chinchilla region, less than 300 kilometres from Brisbane. They also have several more developments in the pipeline for the Sunshine Coast, where they see the market “showing some positive signs.” Currently, Vantage Homes is the biggest residential builder based on the Sunshine Coast – and the most diverse property group. Hastings says they aim to keep it that way by continuing to deliver quality projects for satisfied customers, and by continuing to embrace change.