
4 | Vicroads ing street lighting in urban areas, compulsory child restraints, introduction of road safety cameras, compulsory bicycle helmet wearing and changes to speed limits. This determined focus on road safety has resulted in international recognition for VicRoads for innovations in this field. In 2013 Victorian recorded its lowest road toll in 90 years. REMOVING DISTRACTIONS WHILE DRIVING VicRoads is quick to respond to changing trends around driving – particularly regarding the increasing use of mobile phones in cars. Its ‘Road Mode’ app allows android smartphone users to activate a ‘drive’ mode on their phones – meaning calls and texts are silenced and the message sender is notified that the person they are trying to contact is currently driving. Late in2013, VicRoads also increased the penalties for people caught using their mobile phone while driving. At the time, Victoria’s Minister for Roads Terry Mulder said these changes were some of the most significant to road rules in years and reflected the growing problem of distraction, which has the potential to result in deaths and injuries on our roads. “It’s a scary statistic that 88 per cent