Wollondilly Shire Council

| Wollondilly Shire Council SUPPORTING BUSINESS live on Council’s website. In addition to that, Tate and his team have spent the last year “getting out and about,” connecting Council to businesses and building relationships. “We’ve done that in a number of ways,” Tate says. “We’ve had a number of forums and gatherings. We’ve tried to push businesses to think about new ways to take advantage of the growth that will eventuate in this area.” The Economic Development Team at Wollondilly Shire Council is dedicated to helping sustain local businesses. To reflect that dedication, they have facilitated a number of business support services. BizConnect, for example, is a platform that allows local business people to make connections with other serious business people. Tate says that it can be difficult to get the advice and help necessary to run a successful business, but the BizConnect network allows people to access the insights and assistance they need to make a difference. He explains that there are a number of ways that this contact is made, through seminars run, or through direct contact with other business people. Council’s economic development team also