Wood & Grieve Engineers

Wood & Grieve Engineers | 7 downstairs in the Perth office and will see roughly 150 people staying an extra hour or two hours, catching up with each other and having a good time. “That’s from the top down,” he says. “All the Directors are there, and it applies to every office. It’s a great indicator to see people enjoying each other’s company. I may joke that you’ll always get Engineers anywhere there’s free booze and food, but it does go beyond that.” Those strong internal relationships, Granado continues, lead to strong relationships with clients. Because their engineers enjoy working for the company, they want to represent it well, and are truly intent on doing the best they possibly can for the client. “That attitude has to be instilled in an employee, and has to be in their head every time they’re sitting opposite a client,” Granado says. “I believe we do that well.” From there, Granado says, there are a few more important factors when it comes to creating – and then maintaining – strong and lasting relationships with clients. “First of all there is nothing in the world like doing a great job,” he says. “That’s the best marketing, and that’s an absolute must.” “Second of all, you have to truly understand the client’s needs,” he adds. “It’s all well and good to read a brief on paper, but if you don’t communicate back to the client what your understanding of their needs are, you might miss something – and that’s what we do as well. We go back to the client and say ‘This is my understanding of what