Woollahra Municipal Council

Woollahra Municipal Council | A LONG LIFE Moving forward, Allan and the Woollahra Municipal Council expect Kiaora Lands to have “a long life.” “We don’t see this as being a short term project,” Allan says. “This is a project that will serve Double Bay and the residents of Woollahra for many years to come.” In addition to its other many benefits, Kiaora Lands will also give Woollahra Council ownership of a significant, long term revenue generating asset. This will have significant benefits for residents, and allow Council to invest more money in infrastructure and services that are in line with the Double Bay Place Plan, as well as the overall Community Strategic Plan. “Those plans are very much about enhancing the existing qualities of our locality,” Allan says. “It’s all about looking after a place that’s already beautiful and making it even more beautiful in the future.” “Woollahra will be a great place to live, work, and visit, where places and spaces are safe, clean, and well maintained,” he says, reciting Council’s vision statement. “Our community will offer a unique mix of urban villages, with a good range of shops, services and facilities. We will make the most of the natural beauty, leafy streetscapes, open spaces, views, and proximity to the water and the city.”