Woollam Constructions

Wollam Constructions | 9 formal meetings, and daily informal meetings between Denys and John Hennings, the project’s site manager. “We’d discuss what was going to happen that day, how it would impact each of us, and how we could mitigate that,” Denys explains. “We’d discuss what I needed and what he needed, and there wasn’t a single day where we couldn’t come to a solution that worked for both of us.” That mutual understanding patience was particularly important, because Woollam’s team had to build the facility around an actively operating hospital. According to Denys and Neville, the construction team and the hospital’s staff was able to work together to make sure everybody got what they needed done. Currently, Woollam Constructions is building another project in the Lismore Hospital, this time above the MRI and PET/CT facility. They’ve also worked on various other projects in and around the hospital. According to Neville, the fact that they’re doing so much repeat work speaks to the immense strength of the relationship they were able to form. Denys has a story that speaks to the strength of the relationship from his perspective. “One of the key guys I dealt with on the project was John Hennings, the site manager,” he says. “Another was a guy named Buzz. So I went out and bought a Buzz Lightyear figure and a Bob the Builder figure. I had one of the girls take Bob the Builder home and take off the ‘Bob’ and put on a ‘John,’ making him John the Builder. She also stitched ‘Woollams’ on his hard hat.” “Both figures were about 12 inches tall, and they were hidden in the cupboard,” he continues. “When the Minister came for the opening, she also did the unveiling of John and Buzz.” “John and Buzz still live in that cupboard, looking out over the work they did,” he adds. “They commemorate the effort, dedication and energy that Woollam put in to make this such a good project for us.”