The Construction Source Australia

| March 2021 just brilliant for the entire practice. It means our blood, sweat and tears have been abso- lutely worth it.” “The Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic Cen- tre was a very demanding project,” he says. “It consumed four years of our lives. It’s great to see that it’s been so well received.” Moving forward, David says his aim is to keeping pushing boundaries on projects like that one. He also sees the company growing a little bit better, but while still maintaining that boutique business feeling. “We want to stay focused on doing a few projects reallywell, and not take on toomuch volume,” he says. “And hopefully there’s an- other Glen Eira out there in the near future, where we can apply some of the things we’ve learned. We now know that there are a num- ber of things we can do better, and we’ll only get the chance to prove that by continuing to take on challenging projects.” “It’s all about complexity for us,” he con- cludes. “The more difficult a project is, the more comfortable we are.”