The Construction Source Australia

she gets along so well with our team.” “It’s all about our connection with the customer,” he adds. “What it comes down to is if it gets our team excited or not.” It’s important to keep the team engaged, Matt explains, because Gilchrist’s team members the best at what they do, and they are not lacking in other opportunities. They don’t have to work for Gilchrist Homes, Matt says. “We have such a highperforming team here. Any of them could get a job with any other business any day of the week, because they’re all so incredibly high calibre.” “The reason they stay here, and the reason they stay passionate about Gilchrist Homes, is because we take on exciting projects for really good people,” Matt continues. “That makes them want to get on site in the morning, because they are excited about what they are doing and they want to get the next bit done. They want to be able to chat with the customer.” JANUARY 2022