The Construction Source Australia

JANUARY 2022 about to kick off, COVID hit,” he continues. “So the job almost didn’t happen.” He credits the end-result to the passion that basically every stakeholder had for the project. He says that the client, the architect, and the interior designer were all heavily involved from start-to-finish. “There was a lot of detailing in there,” Jason says. “I think we’re all super proud of what we pulled off. We’re all very excited about the project.” Moving forward, Jason says that Beyond Build’s goal is to continue taking on exciting projects like that one, ideally at a progressively larger scale. He’d also like to see the company grow, and to maybe start doing their own residential developments. “I’m not someone who can sit still,” Jason says. “I’m always looking at the next step. I’m always looking for better ways to do things, for ways to improve.” “I think the next step for me and Mark is to look at the development market,” he concludes. “We’d like to start building for ourselves. That’s definitely our long-term goal. That’s the next big challenge. We already have a few things in the pipeline that we’re really excited about.”