The Construction Source Australia

THE CONSTRUC T I ON SOURCE AUSTRAL I A a large rollout of specialist disability accommodation (SDA) – funded by the NDIS and investors, these dwellings have been designed with accessible features to help residents live more independently and allow supportive services to be delivered more safely. Since entering that market, Archewell has constantly been involved in numerous SDA rollouts across the Eastern Seaboard, as well as housing for Aboriginal peoples in New South Wales (NSW). The company now regularly tenders projects valued at $10 millionplus. At the same time, Archewell also remains active in the more traditional residential space. In that sector, they continue to do awide rangeof high-end custom homes and renovations, many of them valued in the in the multimillion-dollar range. According to Justin, clients in both sectors choose Archewell Construction for similar reasons. Mostly, he believes they are attracted to the way they “put clients first.” For example, on the prefab side, he says they invest a lot of time and effort into figuring out how to save their clients’ money. “With our current ‘large’ rollout clients, we’ve assisted heavily with the designs,” Justin explains. “We’ve done numerous workshops in order to figure out how to cut costs and make the designs more appropriate and efficient – but without compromising the quality. I think clients have been really appreciative of that effort.” “We’ve provided practical solutions,” adds Richard Kilian, General Manager. “Our client-based approach is to work with each stakeholder, through genuine co-design, to determine what their needs are, their key motivators, and to address those needs with ‘actual’ and not ‘perceived’ solutions. This speaks to the uniqueness of each client.” “Every client is looking for innovation – it doesn’t matter if they are a government client, a corporate client, or an