The Construction Source Australia

JANUARY 2022 everyday homeowner,” Richard says. “They’re looking for best practice. They’re looking for ways to save money, improve quality or to finish their project quicker. Those are the kind of solutions we provide.” Richard came to Archewell with over 20 years experience across the government and business sector – he’s held various executive level roles, and in 2013, he founded a business management consultancy, Benchmark Certified. Notably, Richard has spent most of his career working to support vulnerable, marginalised or ‘at risk’ community groups to address social and economic disadvantage through leadership, empowerment and local capacity building. Archewell Construction also provides extremely attentive customer service. They strive to ensure that every client has a positive experience, and that they walk away at the end of the process happy to recommend them or work with them again. “It is evident that the people we deal with can see that we’re genuine,” Justin says. “Ultimately, we are a business with a goal to grow, but at the end day we take pride in going ‘above and beyond’. We want to finish a project with a client that’s super happy and who would use us again. Maybe that’s cliché, but I think genuinely people understand that about us from day one.” On top of that, Justin believes that clients of all kinds also appreciate the quality that Archewell provides. Again, on every single project – from their high-end custom homes to their SDA dwellings – they strive to achieve a very high specification. As evidence of that effort, he points to the company’s ISO accreditation. This certification not only validates the quality of Archewell’s work, but also the company’s environmental and safety performance. “We went through quite a rigorousprocess tobeapproved for that,” Justin explains. “That took over eight months to earn. It included numerous audits. There were a lot of forms and documents we had to generate. We had to prove we had a system that works – and that’s what we did.”