The Construction Source Australia

$4.4 million. In 2021, he says their turnover was closer to $40 million. He expects that number to continue ticking up. “Our goal is to keep partnering with government,” he says. “We’ve had a lot of success with the SDA projects and the Aboriginal housing projects. I think the next step is a school infrastructure project or a health project. We have people who work here that have experience in that type of work, so I think we’re well suited to take it on.” Also, as previously mentioned, the company is currently pursuing several high-end multi-unit projects. That’s also a sector they see a lot of potential in, where they believe their prefabricated modules can make a difference. “We still have a lot of room to grow,” he says. “Growth is still very much on our radar.” Lastly, Richard says that as the company grows, they will continue upping their community engagement. Their work on Aboriginal housing is a good start, but they want to go beyond “just building houses.” “This year, we have launched a number of different national strategies looking at how we can support the disability and Indigenous community above andbeyondourhomes,”Richard explains. “We’re partnering with education institutions to get kids into schools and providing pathways to transition into meaningful work, working with the business sector to ensure parents have the skills THE CONSTRUC T I ON SOURCE AUSTRAL I A