The Construction Source Australia

First Avenue was founded by current Director Anthony Karlovic, who is a secondgeneration builder. Growing up, Anthony observed his father as a director of a small building company. Anthony would visit building sites as a young child. This exposure eventually led him to get a degree in construction and another degree later in accounting. He returned to Australia after studying abroad and eventually began First Avenue. Anthony’s vision for the company was guided by his experiences while working for Simonds Homes prior to founding his company. “I saw what Simonds did,” says Anthony, “and I thought that there was a market for highervalue work. My intention was to do what Simonds did, but in a luxury market. I wanted to take what I leant from Simonds with systems and structures and model it with a higher quality build. That was the goal.” First Avenue’s return clients and HIA Awards clearly attest to the company’s dedication to quality and communication. Over the years, First Avenue was presented with over 10 HIA Awards, including Kitchen of the Year, House of the Year and Townhouse of the Year awards. The company won two more HIA Awards in 2021 for a spectacular bathroom and a stunning new kitchen. This has THE CONSTRUC T I ON SOURCE AUSTRAL I A “I have a subcontractor that worked for my father thirty years ago, and now they work for me,” says Anthony. “I have known some of these contractors since I was a little boy, but some are new. Having consistent trades and that familiarity is important. It keeps everyone honest and allows us to get the best job.”