The Construction Source Australia

JANUARY 2022 services alongside their new builds. One home on Dorcas Street in South Melbourne was a renovation project that won First Avenue the HIA House of the Year Award in 2017. First Avenue restored the façade of the home and added a second storey. They modernized the interior with new finishes, black-framed steel windows, and a cantilevered staircase First Avenue’s portfolio both shows their breadth of skills and their ability to meet the needs or style of any client. Their portfolio also demonstrates that regardless of style or location, they will also deliver results that are of exceptionally high-quality. When looking towards the future, Anthony sees space to carefully grow. “I like our current position both in the construction community and internally with staffing and workflow. That said, I have always pushed and not allowed myself to be too comfortable. As a businessman, one must adapt and forever suit both the market and whatever life may throw.” “If the current team continues with high-quality work, I see us getting another supervisor and increasing our workflow by another 10 to 20 per cent,” Anthony adds. “The economy is going to keep growing, and we will have to adapt. The idea is to be comfortable with our position. At the same time, if the opportunity and resources allow, then I would be comfortable doing an extra 30 to 40 projects a year.” As First Avenue moves into the future, it will assuredly continue to deliver luxurious homes of high-quality. More importantly, the team will continue to offer great services to clients by following one of their golden rules: “We honor our word,” says Anthony. “It is all about keeping your word, and we always do that. That is what sets us apart.”