The Construction Source Australia

THE CONSTRUC T I ON SOURCE AUSTRAL I A a price, but when you start asking questions, it turns out the driveway is not included, the letter box is not included, cooling is not included – those are add-ons. It’s like buying a standard car.” “Whereas with us, we just want to make things easy on the client,” he continues. “When they buy a house with us, everything is included – driveway, cooling, fencing, landscaping, everything’s already factored in. Now it’s just a matter of what else they want, not what else they need. That’s the question we ask the client. Because you need a driveway, you can’t move into a house without a driveway.” Furthermore, on the ‘price’ topic, Symmetric always fixes their price up-front. Clients know for sure what they are going to pay before they even put in their deposit. “We try to obtain as much information about the site and the project as we can, and then we’ll fix a price,” Derek says. “We don’t want to surprise the client with any hidden costs. We never want to tell them one thing up-front, and then when they go to put their deposit tell them something else. We believe that’s too common in the building industry.” Lastly, Derek says that Symmetric’s quality sets the company apart. As evidence of that quality, he cites the company’s volume of positive