The Construction Source Australia

THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AUSTRAL IA façade’s framed entrance are a reminder of the origins of this institutional typology.” “The building applies a playful lyricism to the institutional typology,” the description continues. “Its key gesture, the line of a frozen soundwave, was passed across the buildings undulating plan, generating the north expression which frames both the new outdoor and performance space. This new project continues the thematic inspiration of the 2009 building as a kind of musing on context, beauty, and imagination.” With their original project at PEGS – the neighbouring Y5&6 building – Debbie believes that MCR “stirred the imagination of the students.” That was their intent on that project, and it was again their intent this time. “When we started working on this project, we started thinking about how we could stir the imaginations of boys when it came to music,” she explains. “So we started thinking about music and soundwaves and all those sorts of things.” Going back to the description, the building uses “standard school components in an innovative formal composition.” The design intention was “focused on the pursuit of joy and beauty, allowing the design to transcend the utility of the technology and material used. Beauty and indeed music have their own utility.” In addition to pursuing ‘joy and beauty’,MCRalsohadthedesign goal of honouring the heritage and extending the life of the original Victorian music house.