The Construction Source Australia

YEARS Following up on the success of that project, Hanssen currently has three more projects under construction, including ‘Civic Heart’ in South Perth, ‘Aurora’ in Applecross, and ‘The Point’ in Rivervale. Civic Heart is going to be the company’s largest project to date and the tallest building in Perth outside the CBD. It comprises two towers with the taller tower rising to 38 storeys, and both towers consisting of 324 combined units. The company expects to complete construction by mid-next-year, and then launch Aurora and The Point shortly after. “So next year will be a big year in completed new apartments, which is clearly a high priority with the Government as the supply of new dwellings is trending downwards,” Darren says. AT238 was developed by Finbar, one of Western Australia’s largest and most trusted apartment developers. Finbar is also the developer behind all three of Hanssen’s ongoing and upcoming projects. The project team on all those jobs also includes S.S. Chang Architects, one of Perth’s leading apartment designers. Hanssen has enjoyed longstanding relationships with both those companies: “We are a unique team that has worked together for over 25 years,” Darren says. “We coordinate, we co-operate, and we’re all driven by a common goal – which is providing better lifestyles and homes for our buyers.” “Working relationships are very important to Hanssen at all levels of our business,” he adds. THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AUSTRALIA