The Construction Source Australia

“Our reputation rests on a continued commitment to quality and the pursuit of excellence,” says Carlo Amerio, the practice’s founder and director. “We constantly strive to improve both our performance and that of our clients through innovation and a proactive approach to the design process. Our expertise and resources together with our local knowledge ensures that we are equipped to deal with a diverse range of projects and provide innovative and practical solutions of the highest quality.” Carlo has been practicing as an architect since 1984, and over the years he has developed a deep well of experience in multiple building types, including residential, commercial mixed-use, and masterplanning. He first established CA Architects in Cairns in 1993. Originally, the practice was just Carlo and one other person. Today, they employ just over 20 people. From the start, the mission of CA Architects has been to design buildings and urban environments that bring value to the communities in which they are located. Their goal was never to focus on just one sector or typology – Carlo always wanted the practice to be diverse, as befitting his background and experience – but no matter the sector, they wanted to apply the same holistic approach to problem solving, and they wanted their design to fit in with and enhance the existing environment. These days, CA Architects works in a variety of settings on projects that can vary greatly in size and value. Their specialties include: masterplanning and urban design; workplace and education; cultural and community; mixed-use and commercial; private and multiresidential; and hospitality and leisure. On the higher end jobs, they regularly joint venture with other national and international firms, which allows them to take on projects of virtually unlimited value. When it comes to those high THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AUSTRALIA