The Construction Source Australia

Recently, CA Architects was part of a redevelopment effort to transform the space into an effective, vibrant public amenity and unique open air performing arts venue. Working with Prowse Landscape Architects – and with the support of Cox Architecture – they came up with a design that used impressive structural arbours covered in colourful vines to “give the space definition,” Carlo says. “The heroes of the scene are the 70 arbour frames, providing the stage for 275 vines with a supporting cast consisting of 63 new trees, and almost 7,000 smaller plants,” Carlo describes. The outdoor stage – which was designed to accommodate an entire Symphony Orchestra, but with the flexibility to host a variety of professional, amateur and community events – is also furnished by the” botanical actors,” with a 10-metre high trellis proscenium “flourishing with the radiant colours of the mandevilla vine.” There’s also a backdrop created from local rock in the form of a six-metre tall curved gabion wall. Over the past few years, the Munro Martin Parklands has been repeatedly recognized by industry bodies including the Australian Institute of Architects (AIA). For example, at the 2017 Far North Queensland Architecture Awards, hosted by the AIA’s Queensland Chapter, the project was awarded ‘Regional Project of the Year.’ The jury praised the parklands for its “clever use of landscaping,” which “minimizes traffic noise while subtly encouraging people to explore the park MAY 2023