The Construction Source Australia

family became Extend a Home clients. “We even have second and third generation clients. We’ve got a couple of clients at the moment, a couple of ladies who we built for their parents back in the 90s when they were young girls and now we’re building for them,” Tony says. He goes on to explain in more detail how the Smooth Sailing Guarantee works and how this special process keeps projects on track and their clients happy. “We take the job from an initial inquiry; we then send the design consultant out to see the inquiry. They speak to the people and find out their needs and their budget. We come up with a design for them and then if they wish to proceed, we go ahead and get all of the council development applications conditions met, we do the whole application basically in-house. We follow that through and then, once it’s all approved, we build the job for them. We guarantee smooth sailing all the way through.” APRIL 2024