The Construction Source Australia

The family atmosphere that Extend a Home’s clients enjoy reaches to their employees as well and is an important part of their company culture. “Everyone’s like a family,” Tony says. “Everyone knows everyone. Our spouses are included in social functions and parties. We’ve seen each other’s children grow up over the years.” As for their trades and subcontractors, they’ve been working with the majority of them for 1520 years. “We have a core of subcontractors and trades that we use on most of our jobs, so we get continuity of quality and performance across our projects.” Extend a Home also has ties to other professionals in the industry through membership in the Housing Industry Association and the Master Builders Association. Tony says the company has been an active member of MBA for 40 years. Turning to the future, Tony says they are comfortable with the size and scope of the company and don’t anticipate any major expansion. “We don’t want to get too big,” he says. “We’re pretty much in our niche.” With that being said he explains they are seeing an increase in the price tag of their projects. “The value of our average job has doubled in the last couple of years. Where our average was $350,000-$400,000 a few years ago, it’s now $700,000 with the biggest ones that we’ve done coming in at $1.2 to 1.3 million.” Tony says that while he and Peter are both still actively working in the business, they are looking at “bringing in some younger, fresher people.” “We’re training some younger members of our team to take Extend a Home into the future,” he says. APRIL 2024