The Construction Source Australia

the amount of quality gear they provide. “We use the best quality gear and we’ve got the best professionals as well teaching the younger guys. They’re the leaders of the team.” “We’ve actually grabbed onto the horns and started running,” she says. “We’re looking at suppliers who use less silica content materials, so we’re not just going and using the general or generic materials. We’re doing our research to make sure that we’re using the top-quality materials. We’re making sure our boys are looked after with the PPE masks, fit testing and ongoing training. We do a lot of silica training.” Kristen adds that the comradery that exists within the team adds to the safety net they’ve created for each other. “They’re not only team members, but they’re also friends outside of work. They support each other. They have that mentality that everyone is a team. We’re all looking out for each other, and I think that really creates a safe environment for the team. It’s really encouraging to see on site as well.” All of this focus on health and safety also helps with the company’s staff retention efforts. Kristen, who has a mining/construction background, says that having a good retention rate can be rare in their industry where high turnover is common. “Aaron’s got boys who have been with him from the start, and that’s a good reflection of him as a boss and as a leader. I go onsite and the word is that everyone wants to work for ALP,” she says. THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AUSTRALIA