The Construction Source Australia

The fact that clients are working directly with the owners at all stages of their project is another important selling point for Reef Coast Constructions. As general manager, Rob says, “I deal with the clients from day one and help guide them through the start of their building journey. Cameron is my construction manager, and he carries out the running of all of the building sites. Our clients are working with the owners at all times, whether it’s in the design phase or the construction phase.” Their more than five decades of experience and the scope of their professional histories is also helps set them apart. “I’ve got a very diverse building background as far as types of projects that I’ve worked on and built in the past,” Rob explains. “Cameron has also worked on a lot of sloping sites, two-story builds as well. I think the knowledge that both of us bring enables us to tackle projects that other builders may be in over their heads with.” THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AUSTRALIA