The Construction Source Australia

safely whilst still delivering the project on budget and program, keeping the client delighted with the service provided,” says George. Making the staff experience positive goes a long way in making these difficult projects possible. “We’re very multi-cultural, and familybased company. We believe in family values,” says George. “We were brought up not to judge anyone and to always treat everyone fairly. As a company we have get-togethers and take time to speak to our staff on a personal level. We’re very understanding that many disruptions go on in our personal lives and we always try to be supportive of our employees.” “I see joy in seeing my staff happy,” says George. “When my staff work, they’re putting food on their tables. That’s a big thing for me. My dad brought us up to not be selfish or greedy, and to help other people. If you give hope, hope will come back around. By creating jobs for people who need work satisfies me because I know that I can be of service to them while they’re being of service to me. Without my staff, where would my company be?” Suppliers’ relationships are as important as A-Civil Aust staff relations. “Our suppliers are what keep us moving forward on jobs. We try to maintain the utmost respect and catch up with them as regularly as possible to keep that relationship thriving and getting whatever we need for the project when we need it,” says George. Positive relationships with clients are important as well, says George. “The service we provide is very efficient and our management process is AUGUST 2024