The Construction Source Australia

Through SJC Engineering’s growth, Chris and Skye have kept a close connection with their employees. That connection is something they want to maintain, no matter how big they grow. “Chris and I are from a rural background and we have an old school values system,” says Skye. “We try to treat everyone as an equal. We’re a very horizontal management team. We know all our staff by name. It’s a fairly tight knit group.” Chris and Skye similarly value their relationships with suppliers. “We have long term suppliers, who are critical to achieving our deadlines,” says Skye. “We deal with the suppliers that we can deal with face to face. We know we’re talking to the same person all the time, and the order won’t be tied up in red tape. It’s about the job being done and everything else is secondary.” Looking toward the future, Skye says they will work on stabilizing their Stability and efficiency THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AUSTRALIA