The Construction Source Australia

and they feel good about the project. That way when we call them and ask them to work with us on another project they are pleased to do so.” “We’re mindful that we’re only as good as our suppliers and vendors and put a lot of effort into it,” says Rob. We’re basically enablers. We enable them to bring out the best in them in terms of design, productivity and quality.” This relationship building between themselves, clients and suppliers and everyone doing their best job serves Precision Custom Homes best, rather than targeted media campaigns. “Quick growth isn’t always ideal. We want to focus on our projects and do them well,” says Rob. “Working through the designers and architects provides us with a constant stream of work. If the project goes well, that’s a reflection on them and encourages repeat business.” For now, Rob says they are very comfortable with the amount of work they are doing and the clients they are working for – and he’s not interested in doing more work just for the sake of it. “We don’t want our feet to leave the ground. We’ll never grow large,” he explains. “We will always have only five-to-seven projects on the go. We can manage that really well and make sure quality is good.” The company will only consider growing, Rob concludes, if they can find the right team members to facilitate that growth. “I’m determined not to grow if it means taking on the wrong people. If I find the people that can help us grow, then we’ll grow that first and take on more projects, but we will never sacrifice quality by having the wrong people do the work and make mistakes. Our growth will continue to be slow as we look for qualified people. We prefer to take on more discerning projects rather than cookie cutter type projects.” AUGUST 2024