The Construction Source Australia

external cladding with a new product on it to make it maintenance free. They added parquetry floors, and used some of materials the client had purchased to integrate into the design. “A big challenge was the curved tile wall in bathroom, with a skylight. We had to get all the falls right in that bathroom. It was complex but the team nailed it,” said Chris. Combined with the cantilever roof and attic spaces they created; the result was an awesome view across Newcastle Harbor. Successfully completing projects like that one earned Chris and his company a lot of credibility in and around Newcastle. “We get a lot of glowing reviews on social media,” he says. “We work with different architects to deliver on complex projects, and we’re the only building company in Newcastle to have a four-point guarantee.” The breakdown of these four points are: • The project will be completed on time. • The project will be defect free. • The client will have 24-7 access online to the project online, which is important for clients who don’t live near the site. • An extended warranty is offered. “We have those things in place to show how we back ourselves and back our work,” says Chris. “It sets us apart from other builders. We also have a process to help people in the lead up to the project, so we’re also their consultant from the very early days, before we start building and before they start with an architect or designer.” JULY 2024