The Construction Source Australia

Physical and mental wellbeing are elements families are now looking for in a home, says Nancy, and it will only get more important in future years. “I’ve noticed in our homes now that families want a blend of economy and lifestyle, like a hotel experience. Our councils are forcing us to add more in the way of wellness such as saunas in our apartment buildings. Clients are becoming more intuitive with their inner self. They want Zen Garden or a spa retreat, and they’re willing to spending a lot of money on spa wellness.” Moving forward, Nancy says the company is looking to expand their wellness division and potentially take on more projects – and also larger projects – but not at the expense of overstretching their staff. “I’d want to see what the next 12-to-24 months have in store before making the decision to expand,” she says. An entirely new sector the company is moving into is commercial Moving into the future THE CONSTRUCTION SOURCE AUSTRALIA