The Construction Source Australia

product and advise back to them what needs fine tuning.” Bob cites flexibility as an example. “We transport pools all over Australia and we don’t want them to crack, or fracture during the move. The pool has to cure properly, with UV protection to prevent fading. We report back to them all the time on how the product is performing. It’s all about collaboration. They look after us and we look after them,” he says. Ongoing improvements also embrace green initiatives. “The industry is getting better,” says Bob. “We look to our suppliers for improvements. We do research and development to reduce waste, reduce fumes in our resinbased products, and in the methods we use to get rid of waste. It’s improving every year.” With all this new technology and outreach, Bob says the future of Freedom Pools is growing. “We’re looking into new research and development and new designs to keep moving ahead,” he says. “We’re making a footprint in Europe and I see a big market over there, especially in France.” “We know what we’re doing and it’s a good product we’re selling. That gives us more energy to keep going.” JULY 2024